This site was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT program.
Copyright 2012 IUCN SSC Wildlife Health Specialist Group
Commissioned by the IUCN Species Survival Commission to serve as a first response for wildlife health concerns across the world.
European vultures need your help! The Vulture Conservation Foundation, in collaboration with BirdLife Europe and Central Asia, SEO/BirdLife, SPEA, and WWF, are re-launching a campaign to ban veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac in Europe, especially in Spain, Italy and Portugal, where most of the continent’s vultures live. Diclofenac has been clearly demonstrated to cause catastrophic levels of mortality of vultures that consume any livestock that have been treated with the drug, threatening the important ecosystem services vultures provide from carcass disposal. Individuals and organizations can sign the petition to ban veterinary diclofenac in Europe via:
To see the IUCN SSC Wildlife Health Specialist Group's previous coverage of this topic, please visit: